I have removed some of the photo's in the posts just for ease of reading but they can all be seen in the MSN postings or on the blog
From: Beam8224 Sent: 30/04/2008 00:24
Not sure if Jack deserved the 30$
Sorry we are thai and our law with animal cruelty still bit weak as you can see from the police record Donna shown to you all
Hopefully he going to jail too please !!
From: Donna_UK9 Sent: 30/04/2008 02:00
I understand the way things are in Thailand Beam, having visited Thailand and seen for myself the way things are out there
The problem I have with Jack is he is American and comes from a country were
animal welfare is taken seriously! he knows how dogs should be looked after... but
chooses to keeps his animals in such poor health and conditions. he does not care about this beautiful breed of dog... he only cares about the money
From: Beam8224 Sent: 30/04/2008 02:38
It is so Donna I ashame to say stuff about my country but it is really happened like that when you do that do this pay that bit this bit you give yourself in to the police and you finally get good lawyer you do not even need to go to jail ,,, there is different way of thinking from thai people and westerner about animal cruelty cant change that
I think this matter should be sent to the US and let him face the US laws instead of thai's law with animal,,,can be done tho you think ? just post all infos you've got to there maybe this get in US record with this Mister Jack in it ,,, sad sorry could not do more just feel so sorry for the puppy and all those in the pictures in a little cage got no care what so ever call fun for the dogs,,
Maybe send this to Animal planet let this matter goes around the world to every pair of eyes so people know more ! about mr. jack
I read his matter with TRD.co.uk before and I feel sorry for the lady also
Did you mean the same lady that give up ? just guessing ,,,
From: Donna_UK9 Sent: 30/04/2008 15:17
"Yes" Beam.... The ladys name was 'Carmen' and she had a really bad experience with Jack
Jack constantly attacked her for what she wrote about him to warn others not buy from him... I too have been attacked and slandared by Jack for showing people the
truth about him, as have many other good people who are trying to reveal the truth about Jack for the sake of the dogs.
Many of us have wrote and petitioned the animal charties to take action against Jack
but unfortunately while he hides in Thailand these authorities are powerless.
All we can do is make sure as many people as possible see these pictures as they speak for themselves...
I look at the faces of those poor dogs and see thier sadness.
It just makes me so angry thay Jack can make so much money from there misery and suffering.
From: Beam8224 Sent: 30/04/2008 15:27
This have to do with the thailand part to remove the dogs rehome and take care of them not sure if there is any rescue animal police in thailand but I been here for 10 years now thailand is really new to me if I am in thailand I would help the dogs..
ah well spread the words hopefully one day he get what he deserved you never know
From: judybeard Sent: 01/05/2008 07:18
Has any of you actually spoken to Jack Sterling in real time?
I contacted him by email and he asked be to join him in gmail and also in skype. The person you are speaking about does not sound like the same person I spoke to over the phone. I asked him about these same issues and what he says is different to what I see here in this message board. I was shocked and surprised by the emails he had forwarded to me from Donna.
Donna, I read your past emails to him as he wanted me to see what you write in private. I could only see a very angry person writing in that way.
Beam, I would not believe any of this negative response from any of these people who post such stuff.. There is no proof of all these claims of abuse and all I got was just the opposite from him.
We will find out soon enough as we will go to Chiang Mai and visit with him and all his dogs this summer on our vacation to Asia.
Judy B
From: Impestor0 Sent: 01/05/2008 11:21
Who do you think your fooling Jack Beard? Fake.
From: Beam8224 Sent: 01/05/2008 14:14
oh god forgive me I dont even want to disscus this matter here go:
Judy no offense meaning I am Thai and I know if there is nothing real the local authority would not make arrested and the animal welfare law in thailand is VERY weak compare to US's.
It does not matter the wind that came from the mouth of mr.Jack smell like. I do not think the people on the boards wasted them time and energy to just typing craps I believe they got better thing to do than that!
Everything happened for a reason Judy! If I were you I dont even wasted my time and money go to visit mr.Jack. Maybe go visit Chaing Mai !!
I did not take any side but I saw the dog mother who is really skinny feeding her babies in the rotten cage with my OWN EYES from the pictures. And that depressed me how can a human do such thing to the animal who only know how to love you !!
I can speaking and reading 5 languages Thai/English/Dutch/Chinese 2 kinds Cantonese/Mandarin
I could read the police record that Donna attached to the message very well. Maybe it is not mr. Jack's signature but there is another 2 witnesses in the paper and the local authority who typing the records thats 3 included !!! + mr. Jack who gave himself in.
If I am blind or dumb it is not just me I believe its the local nieghbors of mr. Jack and local Authorities also !
And lady Carmen who living in UK have bad experiences with mr.Jack directly you can go read it in Thai-ridgeback.co.uk I do not think she has reason to lies because of high vets bills she made and all fed up in TRD breed because 1 person !! Mr. Jack !! This is not just a matter of TRD its the matter of the animal well being take it serious punish the one !!I do not have personal reason to HATE mr. Jack but I do HATE what he did to the animals ! to be honest 90 dogs in that kinda piece of house and land ? I dont think so its enough to take care like 3 dogs max!! Love the animals and care them like you care for your own body !! oh by the way I do wiped my dogs buttocks everytime after they done them toilet like I do it for myself.
with kind regards,
beam and kids and all animal lovers of the world !!!
From: Donna_UK9 Sent: 01/05/2008 15:17
Judy if you have read my emails to Jack... would you like to see some of the emails I
have received from him?
"Of course I am angry!!!" As everybody should be when dealing with anybody who can care so little about an animal and make them suffer as Jacks dogs are suffering!!!
Judy B, If you was a dog would you be happy to stay at Jack Sterlings kennels?
I don't think so...
Can you seriously tell me you would be happy to buy one of Jacks puppies from the female Gina who is so skinny... yet still trying to feed her puppies?
There are many many GOOD breeders in Thailand with kennels that even have a water cooloing system to keep there dogs cool in the heat
It is these breeders you should support as they take very good care of there dogs!!! and love and show the breed.
I have the contact details of many Thai breeders who you can visit...
If you would like to contact me by email I will be happy to give the details to you.
I don't have anything to feel bad about...I am only showing people the truth... I dont even
have to personally attack Jack or say anything bad about him as the evidance speaks for itself!!!
Judy if your seriously thinking of getting a TRD why would you want to support a puppy farm? Do the animals suffering in these pictures mean NOThING.... to you?

Do these animals look well fed and cared for to you Judy B?