Essentially the problem is greed and ignorance.
In Thailand & especially Chiang Mai, where Sterling is currently breeding, there are so many dogs on the streets, homeless and in need of care and love but due to basic human emotions of people world wide, there is a demand for puppies as they are cute and cuddly. Some say it's like a baby substitute and there is therefore a puppy mill / factory / farm industry business opportunity available for willing people to make money from other peoples desires.

There are separate areas set aside for puppies but these are just as appalling.
Currently there are in excess of 100 dogs held in this condition and due to either financial status or workload, the dogs seem to only get fed every 2 days. Therefore the general conditions of the dogs are underweight and weak.
The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate the truth behind what Sterling presents to the world... A bright & healthy picture of what in reality is a shady and squalid sad story.