Experiences of buying & receiving dogs from the Sterling Factory

The content of just 1 email from someone who thought they could trust Sterling as an honest, competent and caring breeder.

Hi,, love your Blog and hope it puts him out of business forever!!!!!

anyway I know a lot of him as I was once friendly with him before he moved to Thailand. He told me a lot during this time and I witnessed many things.

In the winter of 2004. Jack sold some dogs to Puerto Rico and Maryland.
He sent them to me where I would pick them up at the airport in NJ and help transfer them to their proper owners.

At this time I received 4 pups. One went to Frank Memmo and the other to a Anthony Anastasi.

This dogs came in with a dog for me as well. When we received the dogs, at first they seemed ok, but I knew something was wrong with my black dog.. he was very skinny and had bear spots in his coat.. Later that week, after a vet visit, i found my dog had multiple infections.

He had staph infections and intestinal.

Later that week, I received a call from frank Memmo stating his dog had infections too and pneumonia.

Frank spent almost $2000 trying to heal his dog.
I spent close to $900

Anthony's dog was diagnosed with parvo and distemper and later died along with another dog diagnosed the same who went to Puerto Rico. At this time Jack had an outbreak in his kennel, but he sent out dogs anyway hoping they would be ok and let the new owners deal with it.. he didn't want to lose his deals and puppies as he would need to replace them.

out of the 4 dogs that came in 2 died..

He told Anthony he would replace it, but when Anthony tried to get his replcemet, all he received was hard time.

Jack told him he must wait. Finally when a pup was picked for him, Anthony was eager to get him shipped to him..Jack ended up telling him he could not ship the dog, as he ran it over with his truck..

Jack lied to him, because the puppy was turning into very nice quality, and he wanted to keep it himself.. The same pup was later seen on his site running with other dogs.. he sent Tony a lesser quality dog instead.

Jack also has a tendency , once he received your money, he will start changing the deal on you. he will request more money for shipping, cages, etc..whatever excuse he can come up with to get more money. he puts you in a position, that you must either send more money, or risk losing the money you already sent him.. he has done this many times.

When I purchased my black dog, he raised the price of the dog very high. I then told him I would not get the dog, that I would get a black female instead. He told me the black girl ( bred by a Thai breeder) was a show prospect that the breeder would not sell. Jack had a $1500 deposit form me and he requested another $2500

I sent it as I feared losing my money.He told me this would be the full price and I could get him shipped to the states for that. when it cam time to ship the puppy, he tried to get more money from me.I reminded him of our agreement and he still tried to change it. He had a guy named Miguel form Puerto Rico there helping him.I spoke to Miguel and it was Miguel who payed for the shipping of my puppy as Jack would not.he told me he was buying a few dogs and he would work it out with Jack in their deal..

Later I found the same black female he told that was not available, in a photo on his web site. I confronted him about it and he told me they changes their mind and sold her. I was later told by Miguel, he had every intention of getting her and stated that "she has potential"

He lied to me and raised my price very high so he could buy her for himself.
This dog is now named Black Magic and is still a breeding dog in his kennel.

Jack also applied pedigrees to his dogs as he sees fit. He has mixed up sires and dams, given puppied pedigrees form dogs that are now dead. He does this so he can have pedigrees as many TRD have either false or no pedigree. He has been caught many times doing this, and it took public arguments to get him to change it.

Feeding his dogs every other day has been a practice of his for a very long time. He admitted this to me a long time ago.

Another similar email tomorrow... and the next day & the day after that etc etc