Even though we haven't been blogging since August, there are still over 60 hits a day in the last month and with the world now waking up to puppy miller operations and their horrible cruelty to the adults and pups, the hits to this site will only increase.
Take a look at the map of hits below.

And for those reading this post and would like more truth about Jack Sterling, you are welcome to visit (with caution) the MSN Thai Ridgeback forum
If you are new to reading about Sterling, you will need to view the rantings of a man suffering mental instability. Some of the indications of this are the size of his font, and the language he uses. The former is not because he lost his glasses in a fight in a bar (when a short Thai guy knocked him down with one punch... I could go on) but because he is SHOUTING!
The language he uses is derived from a deep disrespect he has for women.
ps - Jack - The numbers of hits you have on your silly one man atra site are from people referred on by the blog. It really is doing it's job, telling the world what a real menace to society you really are.