55 dogs seized in raid on puppy mill

Wow !! That headline got my attention today when I read the news.

Friday, August 22, 2008 9:14 PM CDT
55 dogs seized in raid on puppy mill
Cages stacked three high at Arthur operation

By KENNETH LOWE, Staff Writer

ARTHUR — In the corner of one pen at the Macon County Animal Control and Care Center, at least half a dozen tiny puppies huddled fearfully together in a pile, as far away from the door as possible.

Shelter manager Teresa Weybright pointed out the puppies, saying it is likely they cower because they’ve never been touched by humans. They have instead lived their short lives in wire cages stacked three high, and barely large enough for a full-size canine to move or stand.

At least two dogs were found dead in the cages.

They are a fraction of 55 dogs seized from an alleged puppy mill in rural Arthur early Friday morning after a week-long investigation carried out by Weybright and other members of Macon and Douglas county animal control agencies and the Humane Society of the United States.

You can read the full article here ...

Sad, fat Jack is up to his old tricks again!

Posting on his ATRA site, desperate to fill it with whatever he can, he posts and withdraws a few hours later. He does this over and over again without permission from anyone involved or regard of any consequences.

Firstly the 'great' article written by a local lady around a year ago.

It seems from the way the article was written she was trying to help place his unwanted stock of low quality, nervous dogs and had been taken in by Jack and his wild exaggerations. Check your facts, Jo !

We checked back-dated issues only to find it was never accepted for publication. We speculate that Jack's reputation made him a poor candidate for help.

Really Jack, we always find you out sooner or later. I bet Jo Baggaley does not know about this - YET !

He never learns.

Secondly, a really pathetic attempt to deceive in one of his 'claim to fame' e mails.
On his former excuse for a website he drones on about selling a dog to Nick Cage as a pet for the famous actors son. May or may not be true, who cares.

He has now made up an e mail which gives the impression that he has received it from Cage recently. It mentions the horrible blog and gives the name of the dog, Ling and is signed 'Nick'. Just not at all convincing,- even to a four year old. I wonder if it still on the site or has it been whisked away?

Anyway, Jack you brightened up our day again. Yesterday was wet and grey until we checked the site. Then you brought a little light and a lot of laughter to us all.

Thanks for that but have you seen how the price of even your cheap rubbish dog food has gone up again?

Get more than you want at your local market

Jack is not dead yet.

He is busy trying to leave a lasting image of a fat, angry and hateful old man in the memories of anyone he meets.

He was seen in his No1 Market recently, the place where he is considering dumping a few of his unwanted dogs, at least there they will get food and socialisation.

Read this email from James & Oum. If you are easily offended, I would suggest you ask someone else to read the following letter on your behalf.


james here. please post the following account to the blog. no need for anonymity.
thanks, James


Thought id share a bit about the run-in Oum and I had with Jack Sterling at the market today(28/7/08). In a nutshell it consisted of typical jackass behavior: a lot of yelling, obscenities, threats and the like. Its funny how everything this guy spews out about the people he dislikes or doesnt agree with, which is just about everyone, are a dead on description of his own actions and character! Anyhow, the encounter didnt go any further than that as Oum and i simply left the scene leaving the jackass behind screaming.

Maybe youre wondering why Jack Sterling is so angry with Oum and I ? Well its simple and obvious to most. The version that Jack likes to tell is that I am a lying cheating scumbag etc. that stoled his "girlfriend" (the bitch whore cunt etc

In reality I did nothing to Jack to deserve those labels and Oum was not his girlfriend(he even said this to me in plain english: "she is not my girlfriend", and even went as far as asking me how anyone could be interested in a "fat slob" like that?). Jack is angry because I didnt help him to continue taking advantage of people, particularly Oum who he manipulated and cornered into being the sole caretaker of 80+ dogs. Oum was the life blood of Jack sterlings puppy mill operation in the sense that while she was there she did all she could to care for the dogs.

I know this because I was there for an entire month helping her care for the dogs and when I left so did Oum. Soon after our departure Jacks dogs were all sick, starving, or dying. People started to take notice and thats when this blog started.

After reading this youve probably got a lot more questions? Thats fine. If anyone would like to contact me you can email me at green2nds@hotmail.com ive got a whole lot of first hand accounts/experience regarding jack sterling that im willing to share with anyone who is interested.

Well that certainly tells it like it is !